Many people are aware of the vampire-repelling characteristics of garlic, but they are unaware of its heart-boosting effects. Research shows it can improve the taste of a variety of dishes as well as keep your heart healthy. Blood vessel constriction and plaque formation in the arteries are only a few of the benefits of garlic. You can take garlic pills if you don’t like the flavor of it.

Red Wine
You may now take a deep breath and relax, as you don’t have to fully cut out alcohol from your diet. Red wine, when consumed in moderation, is beneficial to your heart’s health. When you drink wine with your meal or on its own, your blood vessels become more flexible, which reduces the likelihood of a blood clot forming. In addition to these benefits, drinking red wine may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and raise HDL levels. Who are we to disbelieve what medical professionals say?

Red Wine