“Dear Son”
“To My Son, I’m gone if you read this. My only option was to go. The coordinates are in this journal. If you follow them, you will discover what is truly yours.” The handwriting on this page appeared distinct from the others. It was more hurried, the final word smudged as if his father had been pulled out in the middle of writing. Adam scowled. What had his dad become involved in?

“Dear Son”
“Be Careful”
It was not surprising that the note was brief and abrupt given Adam’s father’s lack of presence during his early years. Following the statement regarding what “rightfully belongs,” Adam’s father added one more thing. The line was scribbled at the bottom corner of the paper in a panicky manner. Adam’s eyes grew wide at that. The trailer’s walls seemed to be closing in on him, and the titters he’d heard earlier became more insistent. The note said, “Be careful; they know.”

“Be Careful”