30+ Surprising Valuable Discoveries Found In The Most Unexpected Places

Published on 10/24/2023

The New Home of a Couple Includes a Secret Hidden Room

Location: U.S.
Year Discovered: 2022
Est. Value: $3,000-$10,000* (Cost To Install)

Finding a hidden room in your new home is never a pleasant thing, and if scary movies teach us anything, such a discovery should be avoided. One couple was shocked to discover a peculiar secret room hidden in the lounge of their Logan, Utah house. The door was hidden behind a bookcase. The room was listed on the house’s designs when it was built in the late 1970s. Inside the concrete room, there was only one foldable chair. Theories varied from the area being a dungeon to a panic room, with one Redditor claiming the latter. Still, that doesn’t explain the lone folding chair.

Couple’s New Home Comes With Secret Hidden Room

The New Home of a Couple Includes a Secret Hidden Room


Largest Diamond in the World Found in Arkansas

Location: Murfreesboro, Arkansas
Year Discovered: 1924
Est. Value: $1 million*

When most people think of diamond mining, they think of Africa. However, there have been some rather rare finds of these magnificent, costly jewels in America. During an early mining operation in Murfreesboro, Arkansas in 1924, a minor unearthed the largest diamond ever discovered in America. This diamond, later dubbed Uncle Sam, weighed 40.23 carats. It was white with a pink cast and was sold to a private collector in 1971 for $150,000 by a dealer in Boston. This diamond is now worth $1 million in today’s money. According to Arkansas State Parks, Uncle Sam is a “one in a billion gem.”

Largest Diamond In The World Found In Arkansas

Largest Diamond In The World Found In Arkansas