30+ Surprising Valuable Discoveries Found In The Most Unexpected Places

Published on 10/24/2023

Israel Finds New Dead Sea Scrolls – 75 Years Later

Location: Murabba’at Caves, Nahal Darga Reserve, Israel
Year Discovered: 2021
Est. Value: Priceless

Although Israel is a regular location for religiously significant, historical discovery, no one expected this. The Israeli Antiquities Authority reported that it discovered additional fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls after an exhaustive, intense examination of the Judean Desert, the first find of its kind in six decades. These new Scrolls contained fragments of the twelve minor prophets’ books, including Nahum and Zechariah. The new find was supposed to be part of the Minor Prophets scroll, which was discovered in the early 1950s and contains information about the End of Days. Because of the hot, arid environment in which the fragments were discovered, the Scrolls endured for thousands of years.

Israel Finds New Dead Sea Scrolls – 75 Years Later

Israel Finds New Dead Sea Scrolls – 75 Years Later


WWI Soldier’s Love Letters Found Hidden in Wall

Location: U.S.
Year Discovered: 2014
Est. Value: N/A 

World War I was a painful time for cultures all around the world, as the ferocity of the armaments and the death toll led many people to feel that the world as they knew it was coming to an end. All soldiers battling in the deadly war had to cling to their comrades as well as letters from loved ones back home. While digging his home, one man discovered WWI love letters from 1918 in his attic wall. A man named Clement wrote the letters to Mary, his love. Fortunately, the homeowner, Phil Mathies, was able to locate Clement’s relatives, who proved that he did, in fact, end up with Mary after the war.

WWI Soldier’s Love Letters Found Hidden In Wall

WWI Soldier’s Love Letters Found Hidden In Wall