Lila West – Dexter
We doubt that anyone liked Lila West with the protagonist since she was evil and crazy. Fans rejoiced when she died, but they did not enjoy the second season, thanks to her. A fan said that it was “cringe” worthy! At any rate, Dexter disposed of her by killing her somewhere remote. Portrayed by Jamie Murray, Digital Spy called the character an “unhinged mistress.” While fans went to defend her as an antagonist, some people did not approve that she was the main character’s love interest.

Lila West – Dexter
Maya Herrera – Heroes
Fine, Maya Herrera did not exactly ruin the show, but she had such a weird superpower! Her ability was to make a fast-acting lethal poison in any nearby human. Whenever she did this, her eyes would turn black and produce a stream of black tears. The people near her then get the same symptom and die. She needed her twin brother’s help to deactivate her superpower, which got out of hand whenever she was feeling stressed. It felt more like a liability than a useful power! When her power was removed, she became nothing more than a plot device.

Maya Herrera – Heroes