Prepare To Be Blown Away By These Realistic Portraits Of Your Favorite Disney Characters

Published on 07/16/2020 This article appeared in Xfreehub and has been published here with permission.

Snow White From Snow White After

Skin white as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony… How is it possible for Snow White to look even more gorgeous than she already was? We especially admire the way her hair looks here. It looks like she just went to the salon to get all dolled up. Needless to say, she looks perfect both before and after.

Snow White From Snow White After

Snow White From Snow White After

Tiana From The Princess And The Frog Before

Everyone is aware that Tiana serves. We are not only talking about coffee and food but also looks! She is a sight for sore eyes in her yellow dress. We have to commend her for picking out that eyeshadow as well. We can’t wait to see how the artist decided to portray her. Are you ready to see what he drew up?

Tiana From The Princess And The Frog Before

Tiana From The Princess And The Frog Before