The Cold Day Begins
The sky was overcast, the air thick with the bite of winter. Snow began to drift lazily from the clouds as eight-year-old Lily hurried home, her breath fogging in front of her. She loved the quiet of winter—how everything felt slower and softer. On her way home from school, she passed the park near her house, where the trees were bare and frost had settled into the grass like tiny crystals. Then, something caught her eye.

The Cold Day Begins
The Sound of Whimpers
Amidst the heavy blanket of snow, Lily heard faint whimpers coming from a bush. Curious, she followed the sound, her heart beating faster with each step. She crouched low, squinting into the thick shrubs. Inside, curled up together and shivering, were what looked like a litter of tiny, white puppies. Her heart melted at the sight. They looked so fragile and scared in the cold, and without thinking, Lily scooped them up, cradling them close.

The Sound Of Whimpers