Expert Turned Pale After Seeing The Strange Egg A Girl Found Under Her Bed

Published on 04/20/2023

Scary Room

The room was sparsely furnished, with a table and two chairs. One of the soldiers gestured for Oscar to sit down and then took a seat opposite him.

“Mr. Johnson, we need to know everything you know about those eggs,” the soldier said, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Scary Room

Scary Room



“I don’t know anything about them,” Oscar replied, his voice shaking slightly.

The soldier leaned forward, his eyes locked on Oscar’s. “We find that hard to believe. You live in the house where the eggs were found. You must know something.”

“I swear to you, I don’t know anything,” Oscar insisted, his heart pounding in his chest. The soldiers took a look at each other… then relaxed their stance and sat down, lowering their weapons.

