‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ – Nirvana
Since its release in 1991, Nirvana’s “Smells Like Teen Spirit” has been recognized as a generational masterpiece. The only problem is that no one, not even Kurt Cobain, appears to know what it’s all about. The title was inspired by bandmate Kathleen Hanna, who scribbled “Kurt Smells Like Teen Spirit” on Cobain’s wall. Cobain, unaware that Teen Spirit was a deodorant brand, decided to utilize the term while writing “the ultimate pop song.” Cobain stated in Michael Azerrad’s Nirvana history, Come as You Are: The Story of Nirvana, that he meant to “describe what I felt about my surroundings, my generation, and people my age.” In the same book, he contradicted himself, saying the song was “making fun of the idea of having a revolution.” Drummer and eventual Foo Fighters leader Dave Grohl has stated that the lyrics have no actual meaning.

‘Smells Like Teen Spirit’ Nirvana
‘Paper Planes’ – M.I.A.
Many people believe that M.I.A.’s 2008 hit “Paper Planes” is about a drug dealer, however the singer herself said that the song is about the immigrant experience in the United States. “I was thinking about living [in Bed-Stuy], waking up every morning – it’s such an African neighborhood,” she added. I was on my way to get patties at my local but realized that the worst thing someone can say [to someone these days] is something like, ‘What I want do is come and steal your money.’ People do not believe that immigrants or refugees contribute in any manner to culture. That they’re simply leeches sucking whatever they can get their hands on. So I sing in the song, ‘All I want do is [sound of gun shooting and reloading, cash register opening] and grab your money.’ It was done with sound effects. It is entirely up to you to interpret. I’m confident they’ll get it because America is so preoccupied with money.”

‘Paper Planes’ M.I.A.