Remember ‘Octomom’? Take A Look At What Their Family Has Been Up To

Published on 11/16/2021

Dire Situation

Nothing succeeded to persuade Nadya’s landlord to reconsider his mind, forcing her and her 14 children to flee! Despite her terrible reputation in the media, as shown in caricatures, Nadya Suleman had always been a loving mother to her children, and she asserted that this was the real her. The issue was that she lacked the financial means to keep herself and her children off the streets. Nadya tried her hand in the movie industry, several enterprises, and even the music industry since she needed money fast.

Dire Situation

Dire Situation


Starting Anew

The burden of being in the spotlight is tremendously stressful, and Nadya Suleman eventually succumbed to it. She chose to start afresh and let go of everything when she discovered what was going on. She made it a point to mature and become someone who was far apart from the preconceptions that had grown around her. She realized that altering her life would enable her to be a better mother to her children and live a happier life, which is why she was able to totally overhaul her life once she made the decision. She went by the name Natalie at first, then got a college credential, started working, and is now a part-time family therapist.

Starting Anew

Starting Anew