When her best buddies approached her from behind, she stood up to get it. “On three,” Rachel said as they tackled Skylar. Skylar attempted to flee but was unable to do so since they grazed her on the knee, according to Rachel. Her fate had been sealed. “Why?” was the last word she ever spoke.

What Everyone Wanted To Know
Skylar had no idea what was going on. The cops were also curious as to what might have possessed two young girls to commit such a thing. “We just didn’t like her,” Rachel explained. If you ask us, this response simply adds to the terror. But the worst part of the story was when the two girls stabbed Skylar and then watched her bleed to death. They stabbed their dearest buddy at least fifty times and then left her to die. Who would have guessed that two adolescent girls would murder their best friend for no apparent reason? That has to be the epitome of psychotic!

What Everyone Wanted To Know