Time To Go Undercover On The Internet
There were many rumors floating about their high school. Chris Berry created a bogus online profile to investigate what was going on. He pretended to be a teen attending West Virginia University in Morgantown. He went through the girls’ Twitter and Facebook pages after adding them. What did he discover about Rachel and Shelia’s mental states? He rapidly found out more about who they were. For one thing, investigators discovered that Shelia was the more animated of the two, while Rachel was the more reserved.

Time To Go Undercover On The Internet
Don’t Mess With These Ladies
They were perplexed that neither Shelia nor Rachel seemed concerned about Skylar’s disappearance. Shelia would tweet weird stuff like pictures of them together. There were several strange posts, such as this one from Shelia on November 5, 2012: “No one on this earth can handle me and Rachel if you think you can, you’re wrong.” On the other side, both ladies were subjected to negative comments on social media. Other Twitter users accused them of murdering their best friend. Others told them that they would be apprehended sooner or later.

Don’t Mess With These Ladies