“Museum Of Failure” – The Products That Massively Bombed

Published on 07/24/2022

Twitter Peek

TwitterPeek was designed to be a one-time usage only gadget. For $200. Why did this product ever exist is the fundamental concern here. Didn’t everyone who used Twitter frequently already own a smartphone? The fact that the smartphone couldn’t even tweet well was another problem. Only the first 20 characters of each message are shown on the screen, therefore scrolling painfully slowly was required to read an entire tweet. The list of undesirable qualities is endless: fresh tweets were delayed, linked websites were unreachable, etc. The TwitterPeek is so stupid it hurts my brain, said one tech critic.

Twitter Peak

Twitter Peak


Spray-on Condom

Nobody on this earth was created the same. Some condoms are overly large, some perhaps too little. It can be challenging for some to locate the ideal fit. The German Institute for Condom Consultancy made the decision to take on this issue. Their solution was a spray-on latex condom, which you apply by merely placing your *male item* inside a device that coats it in melted latex. After that, allow latex to dry for 3 minutes.

Men were however afraid to put their genitals inside the device, thus testing was stopped. Additionally, there was a mystery around the three-minute hardening time. The project withered away. In 2015, a student of art reimagined the spray-on condom, but this time with a less terrifying spray can.

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Spray-on Condom