This Couple Embarked On An Adventure When They Found A Rusted Metal Box In Their Garden

Published on 07/09/2020

Something Symbolic

Matthew stated that “I knew whose it was,” He also said, “When I did now know Saturday night, I had all intentions of keeping it. But once Sunday came and I found out whose it was, I knew it was somebody else’s. I couldn’t walk past their house and live with myself knowing I had their stuff.”  he was glad that he decided to take it back to the owner. He thought it was the most excellent decision he made in his life. Matthew’s reward for his great deed was something symbolic.

Something Symbolic

Something Symbolic


A Ceramic Elephant

What might be his reward for his good deed? What did the elderly lady give him after finding the missing vault? He did not need any compensation for what he had done, yet he only wanted to take back the missing safe to its owner. However, Matthew put on a ceramic elephant in the area where the safe was. It was to remember what he had done on that day which made him glad after seeing the older woman happy after she found the missing item with its content. It would also be a reminder of a valuable thing waiting for him to be discovered.

A Ceramic Elephant

A Ceramic Elephant