This Couple Embarked On An Adventure When They Found A Rusted Metal Box In Their Garden

Published on 07/09/2020

The Night After Christmas

A terrified neighbor was trembling with fear when he questioned the older women, he did not know how he would approach the woman. He only knew that the older woman was terrified because of his question. He did not expect the reaction he saw from the woman. After a few seconds, the scared woman replied that she was robbed back in the year 2011. She explained further details that happened on the night after Christmas. However, she did not expect that the criminal would flee the location together with her safe, which contained all of her expensive jewelry and also fifty-two thousand dollars.

The Night After Christmas

The Night After Christmas


The Ninja Burglar

The individual who committed the crime on that night could be the Ninja Burglar. The person was known for stealing 200 homes from Connecticut, New York, and New Jersey, and one of the victims was the older woman whom he was questioning. Through all those crimes the burglar committed, we could say that person was skilled enough as a burglar. He could only think that the Ninja Burglar might be the one who took the safe from the older woman, yet there could be a way to find out if he was the one who stole the safe back in that night.

The Ninja Burglar

The Ninja Burglar