Typical Day In McDonald’s
It began as a typical day. Delonda didn’t despise her job, but she didn’t love it either. She had studied French literature at the University of Tampa, and while her ambition was to pursue a career in research, she was content with her current situation. So she got dressed, put on her uniform, and prepared for another day at work at the local McDonald’s where she worked as a manager. This day, though, was different.

Typical Day In McDonald’s
A Customer They Weren’t Expecting
Her shift was in the morning. Because her store was in a busy neighborhood, the majority of her customers were folks who worked nearby and came in for breakfast or lunch. She had grown accustomed to most of the faces she encountered on a regular basis in just a few months. Because there were so many repeat customers, one day seemed to blend into the next. This one, though, would be quite different.

A Customer They Weren’t Expecting