This was how he wanted it
Robert, Miranda’s stepson, stayed firm and kept his cool in the face of Miranda’s vehement criticism. He gently said, “Father specifically requested it this way. He had a valid motive, one you couldn’t possible comprehend.” A hush fell, their gazes locked in a wordless stare, laden with unsaid hate. A deep-seated familial turmoil, exacerbated by Miranda’s critical silence, hinted at a labyrinthine web of secrets and emotions that remained to be unraveled. As the tension rose, it became clear that the burial was only the prelude to a far more complex and tense family drama.

This was how he wanted it
Ignoring Them All
Miranda seemed immune to her emotional burden because she was previously apathetic. She yawned and ignored the funeral procedures. The story took an unexpected turn when sotto voce discussions, like intrigue, reached Miranda from the mourners. Whispers carrying hidden facts broke through her disinterest, sparking her interest. The murmurs threatened to shatter her apathy, changing her universe. In the labyrinth of whispered secrets, Miranda reached a turning point. Finding hidden skeletons in the family’s closet threatened to shatter her detachment, thrusting her into the family’s most secretive mysteries.

Ignoring Them All