10+ Horrendous Pictures Taken By Real Estate Agents… They Struggled To Sell These Homes

Published on 06/07/2022

A Cra*py Design

We must say, this is certainly a cra*py design, isn’t it? Not only does it give you minimal space when climbing the stairs, but minimal privacy when using the facilities! Perhaps this one could’ve been better thought out. It might even be a deal breaker for many.

A Crappy Design

A Cra*py Design


A House For The Fittest Of People

It has to be said, this is the perfect house for either a fitness enthusiast, or someone with a desire to be one! As you can see, the sofa is situated rather far away. It is a small trek ever time you decide to have a lounge. Needless to say that the trek resumes when you decide you would like something from the refrigerator! It has to be said, the house is in great condition though. Maybe just invest in a Segway?

A House For The Fittest Of People

A House For The Fittest Of People