Marine Biologist Uncovers An Underwater Secret After Something Fishy Caught Her Attention

Published on 10/22/2023

Distinguishing Five Characteristics

De Vos stated in a questionnaire for Oceana that “we see so little of them when they approach our boats, particularly because most keep a low profile (unlike the more showy humpbacks), so it’s often difficult to register their characteristic features at a glance.” De Vos was able to take several pictures, but she was having problems figuring out what the animal was. However, she was able to identify five traits from the pictures of this unnamed species with her group of pupils.

Distinguishing Five Characteristics

Distinguishing Five Characteristics


Coming Close to Classifying the Unknown Creature

The precise species of aquatic animal that this was may be determined by five separate traits, or morphologically diagnostic features in technical terminology. The uneven jawline, coloring, and a few other distinctive features were primarily to blame.
Based on “Its unusual markings — like the asymmetrical coloring (its right-side lower jaw is light, while on the left it’s dark) and its chevron marking,” de Vos told Ted Fellows. She thought she recognized the species. It was now time to get assistance.

Coming Close To Classifying The Unknown Creature

Coming Close To Classifying The Unknown Creature