Marine Biologist Uncovers An Underwater Secret After Something Fishy Caught Her Attention

Published on 10/22/2023

Only 4 Miles From The Shore

Because they value their seclusion and the ability to swim in the deep ocean, whales, despite their size, can be highly sensitive animals. To view and take pictures of the blue whales, Asha de Vos and her colleagues frequently venture out into the open ocean outside the coastal shore. However, they started to see something approaching them when they were approximately 4.3 miles (7 km) from the beach. In addition, as we have already indicated, it was unusual for a whale to approach the boat so closely. Even though they could tell it was a monster, they had never seen anything like it before. The crew needed to act quickly because their ship was at a stop!

Only 4 Miles From The Shore

Only 4 Miles From The Shore


Getting Closer And Circling The Boat

Before it swam away, de Vos and her colleagues hastily grabbed their cameras and began taking documentary photographs. The thing appeared larger as it drew nearer to the vessel. It appeared to be roughly the size of a school bus at this stage! Additionally, the animal wasn’t only coming closer to the boat; it was also swimming circles around them. Can you picture the team’s rush at that moment? Out came the cameras and notebooks to capture what they were seeing, mixed with excitement and terror.

Getting Closer And Circling The Boat

Getting Closer And Circling The Boat