25 Dog Breeds Ranked By Their Low Intellect

Published on 08/05/2022

Borzoi aka Russian Wolfhound

These aristocratic species are renowned for their graceful hair, serene demeanor, and 40 mph top running speeds! Like the overarching topic of this essay and like the majority of hounds, Russian Wolfhounds defy orders. They have a close relationship with cats and can be incredibly tenacious to the point of seeming superior. The breed does not consider itself to be a slave to its master. This characteristic contributes to their lack of owner interaction, which leads to their inclusion on this list.

Borzoi Aka Russian Wolfhound

Borzoi Aka Russian Wolfhound


Chinese Crested

Undoubtedly, there is one breed of dog that you can recognize in a crowd—the Chinese Crested. They typically have hairless bodies and spiky hairstyles. They are as entertaining to use as they are to look at. These hairless puppies are renowned for being challenging to housebreak, though. Any disruption in their daily pattern can make them act out because of their need for routine.

Chinese Crested

Chinese Crested