30+ Most Dangerous Dogs Breeds You Should Never Bring Home

Published on 09/14/2023

American Bandogge

This mix between a Neapolitan Mastiff and an American Pitbull Terrier. They were not designed to fight, but they can be easily trained to do so. They are extremely powerful animals who are not afraid to fight when necessary. This creates an unpredictable feature that could endanger your children.

American Bandogge

American Bandogge


Cane Corso

A Cane Corso is a type of Mastiff, but with puppy dog eyes that are tough to ignore! Being a descendent of a Canis Pugnax, a fighting dog, can result in surprising qualities that may not be appropriate for family gatherings. You should learn how to train your dog to avoid fights or how to break them up. In any case, this breed of dog is not for everyone.

Cane Corso

Cane Corso