28 Days Later (2002)
One of the best zombie movies ever made, this Danny Boyle-directed film’s screenplay was written by Ex Machina’s Alex Garland. A highly contagious illness that causes individuals to become brutally aggressive has decimated Great Britain, and Cillian Murphy plays the lead role of Jim, a bicycle courier who awakens from a coma to discover this. 28 Days Later “begins as a great science fiction film and continues as a fascinating study of human nature,” as Roger Ebert put it in his review.

28 Days Later (2002)
A Beautiful Mind (2001)
A Beautiful Mind, which is based on the life of the brilliant but troubled mathematician John Nash, has Ron Howard at the peak of his game, letting his gifted ensemble tell the narrative of a complex character with little to no direction. Following Gladiator, Russell Crowe received his second consecutive Best Actor nomination, and Jennifer Connelly won Best Supporting Actress for her work as Nash’s loving wife Alicia.

A Beautiful Mind (2001)