40+ Jaw-Dropping Photographs You Must See!

Published on 05/25/2023

Buddha The Big Boy

Look at The Buddha, he’s got his toy plane out! Can’t you just hear him say, “zoooooooom,” as he circles in the air? So, that’s not exactly what’s going on in this image. It’s simply this massive Buddha statue and a passing airplane. Some people have great timing, as this guy had to both witness and photograph the plane before it slipped between the fingers of the statue. Bravo!

Buddha The Big Boy

Buddha The Big Boy


Through The Looking Glass

When you’re a kid, the world is your oyster. You get excited about everything, and you can be amused by anything that moves, is highly colored, or sparkles. This poor youngster was just interested in getting a better look at whatever that shiny, moving thing on the road was. He was nearly there, looking out the window like a big boy! Oh no! We’re almost there…almost there… You’ll have greater luck the next time, buddy!

Through The Looking Glass

Through The Looking Glass