40+ Jaw-Dropping Photographs You Must See!

Published on 05/25/2023

Pelican Pockets

Pelicans are among the most fascinating birds on the planet. When they’re hungry, they dive bomb into the ocean and pick up some fish with their huge bill! It’s a wonderful sight to see if you happen to be near the ocean at the moment. This Pelican must be on a long journey because he’s decided to save his snack in his neck pouch for later consumption. You do you, Mr. Pelican. We think this is a woman pelican; after all, we all know how much ladies love snacks…and pockets.

Pelican Pockets

Pelican Pockets


No, Not My Cake!

When all you want to do on your birthday is eat some delicious birthday cake, but the cake has other plans. “NO, NOT MY CHEESECAKE!” cries she. We genuinely feel for her. But at least she won’t have to work as hard at the gym this week. Plus, she was already switching between the cheesecake and the chocolate pie. Everything in the world was telling her that she should have purchased the chocolate in the first place! Waiter!

No, Not My Cake!

No, Not My Cake!