Sons and Fathers
That was just the way it was with dads and sons, Adam couldn’t help thinking. He supposed there would be things his son wouldn’t know about him if he ever had a son. That made sense. He would never go, though, in the same manner as his father. He would never maintain secrets the way his father did. Adam was assured of that. Every day, he reminded himself of that vow.

Sons And Fathers
When He Did Not Show Up
Adam had hazy memories of the events surrounding his father’s disappearance. After all, he was only a young child. He had strange memories of it, almost like if he had dreamed it. There were no distinct memories in any of them. He was aware that following his father’s disappearance, both men and women visited his mother’s home in an attempt to talk to her. She brushed them all aside. Occasionally, Adam noticed people glancing through the windows, and one of them even gestured to him. The visits eventually ceased.

When He Did Not Show Up