Do you think your study habits aren’t up to par? Maybe it’s time to rethink your study strategies if many hours at the library are only getting you a B-. Believe it or not, the study methods you utilize, not the hours you put in, are what can help you obtain that A.
Experts advise sticking to scientifically proven study strategies to achieve optimum memory (and top marks). That’s why we’ve compiled a list of 11 useful study tips to help you study smarter rather than harder.

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Review and Revise at Regular Intervals
You’ve just finished watching a mind-blowing documentary series on Netflix. The concepts are exciting, but after a week or a month, would you recall the minor details? No, we don’t think so!
The forgetting curve, which was found by psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus, shows how quickly humans forget information over time. To retain the most information, readers should examine materials within 24 hours after initially encountering them and reread them on a frequent basis. This method of spaced learning, rather than “cramming” shortly before an exam, is recommended by educational psychologists.
Use Mind Maps
The use of diagrams to convey information dates back to Leonardo Da Vinci’s use of mind maps to take notes during the Italian Renaissance. While employing the mind map approach was more time consuming during Leonardo’s time, there are several internet resources available today. Mind maps are a terrific alternative to typical note-taking sessions since they are simple to make and enjoyable to use. A mind map is a study strategy that uses a radial diagram to start with the core thought in the center and expand outward with other material related to it. Mind maps assist our brains store crucial information more easily by using mental triggers such as colors, pictures, and links.
Change Your Scenery
Are you tired of online classes that last for hours? You may not be able to manage your educational schedule, but you can always choose how and where you work. Attend Zoom calls from a coffee shop, bookshop, a friend’s residence, or even your favorite outdoor location. A cup of coffee and some vitamin D will get you started in no time. A change of location might also improve your attitude and concentration, according to studies. So grab your laptop, leave your dorm, and find a comfortable study spot where you can finish your essay. Remember to look for free WiFi!
The Pomodoro Technique: Short, Timed Sessions
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management and study approach that involves breaking your work into 25-minute intervals and taking a five-minute rest between each one. It’s no surprise that the method was created by Francesco Cirillo, a university student who struggled to finish his projects. Cirillo set his timer in the shape of a tomato (called “pomodoro” in Italian) and decided to give it his whole attention for 10 minutes before taking a break. He repeated the process, and the technique was later called after his timer! The purpose of this method is to keep you engaged while reducing distractions. Avoid using your phone during your break because social media may easily divert your focus, and don’t go longer than the required five minutes.
Listen to Music
You’ve probably heard of the Mozart Effect, which claims that listening to Mozart increases concentration. Music has been shown to help students perform better in high-pressure situations, which is why many people listen to music while preparing for exams, doing math problems, or even working on PowerPoint presentations.
Music, particularly classical music, is also a wonderful stress reliever. So, without further ado, put together a playlist of your favorite tunes and get to work on your homework. Make sure the music isn’t too fast or too loud, as this could have the opposite impact of what you want.
Take Tests
For many children, test anxiety is a significant issue. It’s a good idea to do practice sessions ahead of time to prevent becoming a nervous wreck on exam day. Practice exams place you in an exam-like setting, which can help you prepare to be in the appropriate frame of mind for the real thing. Furthermore, the more practice exams you take, the easier it will be to discover knowledge gaps. You can also track your progress and focus on areas where you have underperformed using online learning tools.