Your kids can participate in a variety of activities that will provide them with the necessary physical activity without putting them at great risk of suffering life-altering injuries. The three sports that are the safest for kids to play and the three that are the riskiest are listed below.

Here Are 3 Safe and Unsafe Sports For Your Kids
One of the most secure sports for both boys and girls to learn is tennis. It will keep kids in shape with little chance of harm and is emotionally and physically taxing. It teaches kids how to get stronger, faster, and more agile. Additionally, it can be played on a pairs team or independently.
The right stretches and warm-up methods must be learned by a player in order to prevent injuries like tennis elbow. Tennis players should ideally wear appropriate court shoes or at the very least cross-trainers when playing. This supports the ankle and enables quick changes in direction.
Not just retired seniors, but people of all ages can enjoy golf. Despite the fact that it is often considered a solo sport, it can also be a very sociable activity that fosters teamwork. In addition to giving your kids lots of time outside, sports help them focus, be patient, and have concentration.
Golf is a sport with a very low injury risk. Naturally, using incorrect techniques can result in tendonitis, which causes pain in the shoulders, wrists, and hands. Before playing, kids should warm up, and they should always drink plenty of water.
Swimming is one of the most popular high school sports for students of both sexes and offers a great overall physical workout. Swimming in the pool, whether for fun or for competition, is typically supervised and is one of the safer activities that kids may play. Additionally, knowing that their children are capable swimmers can provide parents peace of mind. If they ever find themselves (or someone else) in an emergency situation when in a lake, swimming pool, or other body of water, this would be very helpful.
Children should stretch before getting in the water to prevent swimming injuries. They should employ sound stroke mechanics and take advantage of downtime to recover. What’s more, make sure your child only swims under supervision.
In America, football is both the most popular and riskiest sport. Due to their inexperience and smaller stature compared to college athletes, high school football players are more vulnerable to injury. No helmet can completely prevent concussions and other head injuries, even though they do provide athletes with some level of protection.
According to studies, football is to blame for 80% of concussions in children who play sports. A condition known as chronic traumatic encephalopathy, which can cause issues like confusion, memory loss, poor impulse control, and impaired judgment, is brought on by repeated blows to the head.
Soccer is becoming more and more popular, as seen by the five-fold increase in high school soccer participation during the previous 30 years. It is a risky sport because it is quite physical. In fact, there are almost 400,000 injuries suffered by high school soccer players every year.
Nearly a third of all soccer-related procedures are due to knee injury. Boys who play soccer are most likely to suffer from upper leg and thigh strains as well as ankle sprains. Girls who play soccer, however, are more likely to suffer neurological problems because their necks are not strong enough to “head” the ball. Unsurprisingly, the body portion most at risk in this sport is the brain.
The second-most popular sport in the nation is basketball, which attracts the most boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 17. Even though it’s not a contact sport, playing on a court in the neighborhood park or in a league can nevertheless be quite hazardous for children. Children under the age of 15 sustain more than 200,000 basketball-related injuries each year, necessitating emergency room care.
When on the court, players are more likely to fall. Ankles and knees are the most frequently hurt areas, followed by the lower back, hand, and wrist. Sprains, strains, fractures, and ACL tears in the ankle are among the most serious basketball injuries. Due to the complete lack of protection for players on the court, basketball is also one of the sports with the greatest risk of tooth injuries. Eye injuries are also frequently brought on by players being struck by the elbows and fingers of opposing players.