Campus life is one of the major highlights of college, let’s be honest. The excitement of meeting new people, attending gatherings, the clubs, sororities, and of course, the parties. These experiences are some of the many that make college what it is. However, these events and methods of meeting are the best way to network and further your experiences at college. Campus life can be about the atmosphere- or the overall vibe. With that being said it does not necessarily need to be discussed just how different campus life is about to be, but also how different the beginning of it is for those who will soon be starting out. How to cope, what to expect, and how to make the best of it- read on!

What To Expect From Campus Life Online
Online Classes
All classes will most likely be being held via Zoom for a while, what this means for you is you will no longer be chatting up a storm in class nor most likely be as focused as usual. Online classes also men’s you can rock p in your pajamas and straight from bed. Lucki9ly, for the digital era this can all happen. Online classes are giving a bit of an ambivalent feeling with some preferring the stay at home, mom’s cooking, and all-day pajama party. Whilst others are missing the class chit-chat and more interactive methods. a major plus is that many of your exams and tests have been turned into final papers and essay assignments which are way easier to obtain a good grade in, and you have more time to do them, work on them and have someone look over them.
Online Clubs
Of course, it is not ideal to have to be meeting online for your club but it is better than nothing. Clubs are running as normal and simply meeting on Zoom too. For those Freshmen, we highly recommend getting involved in a club as it will make it easier to interact, socialize and overall improve your “home campus life.” They also give you a nice break in the day for something else and can help you discover a talent or passion you never knew you had. Some colleges have started spaces online to contribute and share a playlist, others are still hosting events and speakers virtually- these efforts will still allow you to get your college experience, just a little differently.
Times are not the same but it certainly doesn’t mean college is not fun, in fact, it is a good time to try new things- maybe that club you always thought about! We truly hope college life will be back to sport meets, frat parties, and roommate life soon, but until then enjoy your college life from home with the perks that come along with that too. College can still be fun from the comfort of your own couch, with mom’s home cooking and your friends right there on the screen. On the bright side, you may even get some sick new playlists from this all.